Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ivy and Bean

To start off, they think they hate each other. Bean even says, "All aboard! Next train for boring is leaving now!" Bean has a sister Nancy,who is 11, thinks Bean is a pain and a pest. One day, Bean's mom drags her to a store to shop with Nancy. Nancy started trying on lots of skirts and it annoys Bean. Finally, they go home. Bean wants to do something to her sister for her being mean to Bean. Bean hides in a bush and gets a $20 bill out of Nancy's purse and ties it to a string. Nancy is about to walk home from school. Bean sees Ivy doing something and yells, "What the heck are you doing?" Ivy gets big eyes and says, "Who's there? Are you a ghost?" "Yessss. I am the ghost of Mr. Killop. I lived in your house before. And I died there, too. Suddenly, Nancy says "Bean! What are you yelling about?"

to be continued

I loved this book and I hope you do ,too!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010